Frequently asked questions (ReViCal ®, ReViCal ® Liner, ReViCal ® RootSealer):
How differs ReViCal ® Liner from ReViCal ® in indication?
ReViCal ® Liner is a bioactive, light-cure liner (protective liner) with MTA-filler and a high compression – and flexural strength (see figures), which at the same time functions as a protective liner and pulp capping material for indirect (Cp) pulp capping.
Before applying the underfilling a (self-etching) enamel/dentin adhesive with high adhesion strength will be applied to the prepared cavity base and light-cured. Then the liner ReViCal ® Liner will be applied and light-cured, followed by a definite filling treatment in this session with commercial composites.
ReViCal ® is contrary to this a bioactive, light-cure reinforced pulp capping material with MTA-filler indicated for a direct (P) and indirect (Cp) pulp capping.
After a precise application of ReViCal ® it will be light-cured. Then a (self-etching) enamel/dentin adhesive with high adhesion strength will be applied to the cavity base and light-cured. The definitive filling treatment with composites can then be proceed directly in this session.
Which substances influence the attachment of posts negatively?
Eugenol, sodium hypochloride (NaClO), EDTA, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and calcium hydroxide (CaOH2). 2 % CHX is applicable without issues.
Which root canal post strength should be choosed?
The smaller the root canal post is, which at the same time maintains its fit, the better the long-term results. Larger posts generate more stress in the root canal.
How be a coronal reduced root canal post treated?
The top face of the FANTESTIC ® POST root canal post should be silanized with FANTESTIC ® CerBond.
What are the advantages of the ReViCal ® RootSealer?
If dentinal tubules are exposed due to irritation and interventions, the dentin-forming odontoblasts are injured or destroyed and can cause inflammation of the pulp. In the case of such irreversibly inflamed or devitalized pulps, the root canal can be hermetically sealed by obturation to prevent access to the periarticular tissue.
This is optimally achieved with ReViCal ® RootSealer, a bioactive, dual-curing, resin-modified MTA sealing material.
MTA is recommended for clinical applications in endodontics, for sealing perforations, for pulp capping (see our ReViCal ®, ReViCal ® Liner), for the treatment of open apexes, for apical root fillings and root canal fillings.
An applied ReViCal ® RootSealer leads to good wetting of the root canal walls. The dentin fluid present in the branches of the pulp space dissolves adjacent MTA and thus releases OH- ions. An alkaline environment is created, which has a strong bactericidal effect due to the high pH value of pH 11.
What is meant by the term “puffing”?
The phenomenon of overfilling with simultaneous acceptance is referred to as “puffing” and is not only considered a tolerable option in the USA, but also a desirable one.
Overfilling the root canal does not necessarily lead to complications. In many cases, the excess mineralised sealer is simply absorbed by the body and tolerated by the radicular tissue due to its biocompatibility.
Overfilling ensures that the apical foramen is completely sealed, thus eliminating apical bacterial invasion. Mineralisation of the sealer results in a biological extension of the root, which is unproblematic and does not lead to any complications for the patient.